Rock Bed/Flower Bed Maintenance

We provide our clients a full rock/flower bed maintenance to existing flower beds. Every season we clean up our clients flower beds in the spring and fall. Whether its treating the beds with herbicides for weed control, planting new flowers or shrubs, and even adding new rock or mulch, we do it all!

Black Cedar Mulch

Before we place new mulch on existing flower beds, we make sure and pull out all of the weeds before applying a 2-4 inch layer of fresh mulch.

River rock

When placing river rock on existing beds, the process is the same as adding mulch. However, most clients don’t want to deal with weeds and will ask us to place landscaping fabric prior to adding rock in their beds. This will prolong the weeds from sprouting in the beds.

Contact us for a free estimate!

Don’t have a rock or flower bed? Let us create one for you!

We add any type of material you want in your beds. And if you don’t have an existing rock or flower bed, don’t worry! We can create one for you!